Procedure Spotlight

  • Massive weight loss can leave some people with excess skin on the body that will not go away without surgery.
  • Excess skin can be unsightly, uncomfortable and cause skin irritations and infections
  • Body Contouring surgery is performed on various areas including the tummy (abdominoplasty), the breast (reduction / lift, or augmentation), arms (brachioplasty) and thighs (thigh lift)

Massive weight loss as a result of diet and exercise and/or bariatric surgery is a great achievement; however, it can leave some people with excess skin on the body that will not go away without surgery. Whilst Plastic Surgery and body contouring are not always necessary, they can help the patient feel that their journey of weight loss is complete. There are both reconstructive and aesthetic reasons for surgery after weight loss.

Excess skin can be unsightly, uncomfortable and cause skin irritations and infections. Body contouring surgery can address these issues. It restores both normal function and improves aesthetic appearance.

Body contouring after weight loss surgery needs to be planned and staged over a period of time.

The best results from body contouring surgery are achieved when the maximum weight has been lost and the weight has been stable for at least 6 months.


Surgery usually involves multiple areas of the body in men such as tummy (abdominoplasty), breast (Gynaecomastia), and thighs (thigh lift). Dr Safvat will discuss which plastic surgery procedures are best for your desired outcome and also the timing for each surgery. Some of these surgeries can be combined, others are best as a stand-alone procedure.


A compression garment is worn after your body contouring surgery for 6 weeks. This is to prevent fluid collection and reduce swelling and help with recovery.

Time off work is dependent on the procedure you are having and the type of work you do. This will be discussed with you in your consultation with Dr Safvat at Ethique Plastic Surgery’s Bowral, Miranda, or Concord private rooms.

Gentle walking is encouraged after the surgery, however it is best to avoid strenuous activities for a few months post-operatively.


Smoking and being overweight have been shown to cause more complications after any type of Body Contouring procedure. Dr Safvat will insist that patients stop smoking at least 3-4 weeks before their surgery and lose as much weight as they’re able to, within healthy limits, before their operation. You should be at or close to your ideal weight prior to surgery. This will insure your best result. In addition, for most Body Contouring surgeries, in order to meet Medicare criteria, weight must be stable for 6 months prior to surgery and you must have lost at least 5 BMI points. It is important to be fit and healthy to help the recovery process. Certain supplements and medications will also need to be avoided prior to surgery to decrease the risk of bleeding.


There is no way to prevent scars completely after surgery and everyone can scar differently. However, the techniques Dr Safvat uses to suture his wounds are designed to minimise scarring. What’s more, any scarring will fade over time, especially if they are cared for correctly.

Dr Safvat will provide you with his specific protocol for scar management that will help you protect and care for your incisions in a way that will minimise scarring. Patients who have followed Dr Safvat’s protocol for scar management diligently have been very pleased with their progress in reducing and fading of scars.

Dr Safvat will also include LED Light Therapy sessions (available in Miranda only) which will assist with wound healing, scarring and recovery.


While all care and diligence is taken by Dr Safvat to minimise or avoid complications, any surgical procedure can be associated with some general complications and/or specific complications related to the surgery you are having. Choosing a Specialist Plastic Surgeon such as Dr Safvat and having your procedure done in an accredited hospital minimises risks as does using an accredited Anaesthetist

Some general surgical potential complications are:

  Infection that may require antibiotics (Dr Safvat prescribes all patients antibiotics after surgery to minimise this risk).

  Fluid build-up under the skin (seroma).

  Allergic reaction to dressings and other items used during the procedure.

  The formation of blood collection (haematoma) which could require additional surgery.

  Scars heal differently in different people. Some people are genetically prone to develop keloid scars. Hypertrophic scars develop when there is a complication in the healing process. Whilst not ideal, there is no threat to your health if you develop these.

  Anyone can have a heart attack or stroke from a clot. This risk is slightly increased with anaesthetics.

Some potential complications related to body contouring surgeries specifically specifically are…

These are detailed on the individual procedure pages here – tummy (abdominoplasty), breast (reductionlift, or augmentation), arms (brachioplasty) and thighs (thigh lift)


Most Body Contouring Surgeries have a Medicare item number enabling you to recover some costs from Medicare/Private Health Fund. Medicare has strict criteria that must be met to obtain the item number. Dr Safvat will determine your eligibility for the item number during your consultation. If you are eligible for an item number, the hospital costs are usually covered by private health funds depending on the patient’s level and type of coverage.

The costs will be discussed in detail with you at your consultation and an estimate will be given by one of our caring team at Ethique Plastic surgery.

Frequently asked questions

Is Body Contouring Surgery the right choice for me?

Each procedure is a highly individualised and may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to get al the information about the surgery/s and make and informed decision.

In general Body Contouring may be right for you if:

  • You are physically healthy and have a healthy BMI
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You have had stable weight for 6 months
  • You have excess skin following weight loss
  • You are a non-smoker or have stopped smoking


Assuming you maintain a stable weight and remain healthy, the results of Body Contouring surgery should be long lasting. However, pregnancy, weight gain and the natural ageing process can have an effect on the results of the surgery.


Men undergoing Body Contouring surgery may not need all types of Body Contouring surgery. Each patient is individual and Dr Safvat will discuss the surgery options during consultation. In general, procedures that may be taken as part of Body Contouring Surgery are:

  • Abdominoplasty or Body Lift
  • Thigh Lift
  • Gynaecomastia

There is no specific criteria regarding the amount of weight loss that is required to get Body Contouring Surgery. However, to be eligible for the Medicare item number there are conditions that need to be met such as a loss of at least 5 BMI points and sustained weight for 6 months. Dr Safvat will also require you to be within a healthy BMI range to undergo surgery. For the best outcome of surgery, you should be at or close to your ideal weight.

Where does Dr Safvat perform this procedure?

Dr Safvat does Body Contouring procedures in the Sydney region (Sutherland Shire and Inner West) as well as in the Southern Highlands, NSW. He only operates in fully accredited Private Hospitals, these being Kareena Private Hospital (Caringbah), Strathfield Private Hospital, Southern Highlands Private Hospital (Bowral) and Ramsay Surgical Centre Miranda.

Before and Afters

You must be over 18 years to view Dr Safvat’s before and after image galleries

 Dr Safvat is a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon. Every patient is unique and results may vary. Any surgical procedure carries risks which need to be discussed with your doctor to ensure you are fully informed and realistic outcomes have been explained. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

These photos are of actual patients of Dr Safvat. Each has given consent for the photos to be used by Dr Safvat only.


Registered Medical Practitioner, Specialist Plastic Surgeon (specialist registration in Surgery – Plastic surgery).

Dr André Safvat – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Renowned for his dedication to his patients, his attention to detail and impeccable outcomes, Dr Safvat’s unparalleled expertise is reflected in the quality, professionalism and dedication of every member of our team.